When the mailman chases dogs – Summer of Super Short Stories Week Ten! | Luminous Creatures Press

Horse Chestnut Avenue was awash with activity; the prim residents were in a state of unbecoming panic, uncharacteristic chaos and pantie-twisting kerfuffle. The imported German cars were safely harbored under the corrugated armor of the garages, protected from the miniature mines that rained down from the trees. Those bombs born of the soil and the …

Week Nine Winner: The Harbour of London by Mark A. King | Luminous Creatures Press

I'll get right to it...I won my first competition! It was based on the photo prompt, above - which I really struggled with I'm deliriously happy. I know it will seem a bit pathetic to some, but it means so much to me. I only started writing again with the aim of being able to dedicate …

“The Viaduct” – Summer of Super Short Stories Week Eight | Luminous Creatures Press

“The Viaduct” @Making_Fiction 500 words The viaduct terrified me. Sure, the hostile natives scared me too. Their potbelly bodies, their raggedy clothes and their strange beliefs were uncouth, but they could not touch us outside their boundaries. Even in their lands, their primitive weapons were no match for our superior technology and intellect. My hands …